How to calculate hand equity poker
How to calculate hand equity poker

(In order to calculate this we could use any standard poker calculator like the following) We would then be a 4:1 underdog if we call with Ks, and we should definitely fold. On the one extreme, let's suppose that based on our read of how our opponent is playing, we might think that they would only go all-in with very strong hands, in this case just pocket Aces. We then take this extra level of uncertainty and calculate the correct mathematical way to proceed. We are adding another layer of stochastic uncertainty on the event, instead of trying to guess what hand our opponent has (which is almost impossible) we are trying to guess what kind of hands he might go all-in with (which is very much possible). we need to calculate our equity against our opponent's range. We need to ask ourselves - what cards would are opponent go all-in with, and how does my current hand fare against that range? i.e. There is however one very useful way of analysing the situation. Say we have pocket Kings pre flop, and our opponent goes all-in, how should we decide whether to call? Obviously without knowing our opponent's hand there is no 100% correct answer. Let's set up an example so that we have something concrete to talk about. How should we analyse whether to call when we have a moderately strong hand against an opponent who has gone all-in pre flop. The scenario being analysed in the book is a relatively common situation, particularly in online poker where people are more inclined to shove than in real life games.

how to calculate hand equity poker

I'd love to spend more time playing and studying poker but it's such a time-sink and I don't really have the oodles of free time it would require, but every now and again I'll still open up a poker book and read about something, this is one of those interesting topics I was reading about hopefully you find it as interesting as I do. For me, understanding how to analyse this situation really gets to the heart of how I think about poker.

how to calculate hand equity poker

Recently I've been reading The Mathematics of Poker (2009, Bill Chen and Jerrod Ankenman) and I came across an interesting idea that I thought I'd write about.

How to calculate hand equity poker